Countdown to Halloween: Shark Exorcist (2015)
Shark Exorcist (2015)
Dir.: Donald Farmer
TC4P Rating: 1/9
Species: I suppose it is meant to be a great white shark, but the CGI rendering is not all that great. Plus, the shark attacks in the film are in a lake, so the shark is probably supposed to be a bull, though it is never mentioned. And – not for the first time in one of these films – the type of shark really doesn’t matter…
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Believe it or not... the best part of the film... |
After watching scores of mostly bad shark movies over the years, one starts to grow a bit inured to the horrors before one’s eyes. You find a certain level of comfort at even the lower depths of “entertainment” and start to figure out that there are levels within levels. After a certain number of consistently terrible films, you rest your laurels on what you believe is the “bad” level, but then each succeeding, consistently awful film you see broadens not just that level but also its definition. You have heard the overused phrase “so bad, it’s good?” Well, it does exist, because on that “bad” level, films do exist that, despite their inherent awfulness, somehow end up being entertaining and even possibly lovable in spite of themselves. The biggest and best example of this would Plan 9 from Outer Space, Ed Wood's sci-fi opus that is enormously wonderful to behold despite having everything in the world and Hollywood against it.
Shark Exorcist is not one of those films, so don’t get your hopes up here. (You can look at the rating I gave it at the top and figure that one out already.) After a single showing of Shark Exorcist, I was pretty certain that the film belonged squarely at the other end of the “bad” level from the “so bad, it’s good” lot. It was jumbled, confusing, and thrown together seemingly without care as to how it looked onscreen. It was poorly written, acted, edited and directed, and there didn’t seem to be much in the way of any joy behind the production in the way that sometimes occurs in small, independent, bare bones film shoots. (If someone from the production wants to tell me otherwise, that is fine. I am sure you "were like a family" and are all "BFFs to the end!" I am just reporting on what comes across onscreen.)
After seeing the film once, I would have normally moved on to another film. I would have written up my piece on Shark Exorcist and posted it. Readers would have found that I thought it was a genuinely shitty film that had been made solely because both shark films and exorcism films are pretty popular on video and cable these days. The filmmakers did the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup thing and jammed sharks with exorcists and got Shark Exorcist out of it, with very little care given to the film’s coherence. But it was not enough for me to merely surmise how such a film could be conceived, nor would that single serving of it satisfy my curiosity. I knew during the first viewing that I would probably need to watch the film a second time. Unluckily for me, the film was barely over an hour in length, which made it all the easier for me to return.
And Lo! There Came a Second Viewing...
A couple of days later, I went back onto Amazon Prime and I watched the film called Shark Exorcist a second time. Everything that bothered me about the film the first time still bothered me, only just a little bit more than before. Not that long ago, I fought my way through a couple of viewings of an ultra-low budget Canadian shark film called Marina Monster, and I thought that I had truly scraped the bottom at that time. I thought it must be the worst shark movie of the lot, but what kept saving Marina Monster slightly was that its cast seemed to be having a ball making the film, and it came through in the end product. It’s was ultimately kind of shaggy and lovable on its own terms, and while it was still a dreadfully made film, I harbored no ill will toward it.
I gained no such further feeling from Shark Exorcist. The vibe that I continued to get was “Let’s just make this thing as incoherent and crazy as we can make it.” On that level, director/writer Donald Farmer has succeeded. One might claim it is meant to be intentionally surreal, but there is no art behind this. I've met some shitty filmmakers in my life, and they couldn't pull this type of rubbish off at all. Shark Exorcist doesn’t gain this effect from a subtle juxtaposition of scenes of opposing polarity via clever editing technique. This is just bad filmmaking from start to finish; a collection of jumbled together, barely written scenes – some are obviously improvised – with roughly half the action held together with the barest wisp of a plot line.
I eventually watched Shark Exorcist a third time, but before I get to that woeful event, I want to relate a synopsis of the film to you. I did the write-up during the second viewing, partly because I usually knock out a full synopsis of every shark movie on repeat viewings to use for notes when I write about the film later. This time, however, I was truly struggling to get a grasp on what I had just seen. And while I don’t normally post full synopses of shark films on this site (unlike my animation blog, Cinema 4: Cel Bloc), I felt in this case, to truly understand what I went through, you either need to watch Shark Exorcist on your own, or take my advice and simply read what you are missing. You will thank me for it...
Shark Exorcist – The Synopsis
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"Just call me Ol' Blinky..." |
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"Hey! Get this! The director thinks he's Quentin Tarantino..." |
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Want to lay bets they are just texting each other? |
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Oooh... that's a pretty serious ketchup roll-up you've got there, lady... |
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I'll bet she does... I'll bet she does. Nudge nudge, wink wink... |
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American Apparel ads just keep getting weirder... |
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Psst! Girl on the left! Tell Ali she can't have the lead role if she is going to continue to dress like shit. |
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"Wow! You are so wet!" "Dude, we're in WATER!" |
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Unusual for a film to review itself right at the halfway point... |
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No joke... if you blow this picture up, you will see several acting books sitting on the priest's desk in front of him. |
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Anyone looking for a truly exotic candleholder? |
We see a brunette woman in a negligee smeared in blood stumbling through the cemetery, falling down, and thrashing about as the trio of women summon her. The tall black woman who leads the ceremony also seems possessed by a spirit, but the other two with her think she is faking it. The black woman collapses on the ground, and the brunette woman seems to smile in victory. The black woman’s eyes suddenly open. End flashback.
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I don't know if sharks have erogenous zones or not, but it would probably help if the shark were real first... |
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This scene turns twice as creepy if we find out the girl with the shark always acts this way, on and off the set... |
The mad girl asks Ali what she likes to do and Ali says, in the tone of a five-year-old which lends a certain creepiness to the seduction scene, “I like to get wet.” The girl holds her hands over Ali’s eyes and leads her to a swimming pool, where slinky, softcore-style music starts playing while Ali strips down to her bikini for a swim. The crazy girl says, “OK, I can take a hint” and has a one-piece on under her clothes. She dives wildly into the water and then starts playing with her shark in the pool, spitting water out of its rubber mouth. Ali starts to talk about heartbeats beating faster and then disappears. Suddenly, Ali wakes up in bed in a cold sweat.
Back at the lake, Nancy and her camera guy go to the edge of the water again, and Nancy begins to summon the spirits as before. She is taken over by the demon and thrashes about yet again upon the ground. That’s it. There seems to be no purpose to the inclusion of this scene except to expand the running time.
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"Hey, did ya forget me? This is my better side this time." |
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As Doug Benson likes to say, this movie is not for emetophobes... |
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I warned you! Try not to throw up yourself now! |
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Not the first time in this film that people in ankle-deep water freak out over a shark... |
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"Man, if I was ever possessed by a shark, maybe I could live in a fish tank too!" |
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"Bingo! Bring me my own fish tank!" |
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"The power of Peter Benchley compels you!" |
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What a waste of technology... |
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"Mmmmm... needs more corn syrup!" |
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"Did ya know I could do tricks too? Eat my butt out, Flipper!" |
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I wouldn't be surprised to found out this is just what this girl does every single day, and so they just turned on the cameras... |
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"Tell me you're a mako... a LONGfin mako! Ohhhhhhh...." |
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Lon Chaney used little painful wires to get that same nostril effect... |
But still – incredibly! – there are yet another 50 seconds of running time left!
Cut to: a scene outside the fake Parthenon in Nashville again, where the still possessed Nancy Chase is on the loose. Completely out of her mind, she runs her hand over her face as vomit continues to roll out of the corners of her mouth.
We’ve been puke-rolled again.
At the close of that second viewing, and after having made notes of the entire thing, I was convinced that, at the very least, Shark Exorcist was simultaneously both the worst exorcism film that I ever seen, the worst killer nun film that I have ever seen, AND the worst shark film that I have ever seen. And this would have been the end of it too, if I hadn’t gotten hurt at the end of last October. My intentions of writing up a piece on Shark Exorcist in conjunction with Countdown to Halloween died at the same time. I intended on picking up the piece again about a few months later once I started getting positive treatment for my injury. I started to work on the review, but felt as if perhaps too much time had passed.
The Stunning Return to EVEN MORE PAIN!
At the close of that second viewing, and after having made notes of the entire thing, I was convinced that, at the very least, Shark Exorcist was simultaneously both the worst exorcism film that I ever seen, the worst killer nun film that I have ever seen, AND the worst shark film that I have ever seen. And this would have been the end of it too, if I hadn’t gotten hurt at the end of last October. My intentions of writing up a piece on Shark Exorcist in conjunction with Countdown to Halloween died at the same time. I intended on picking up the piece again about a few months later once I started getting positive treatment for my injury. I started to work on the review, but felt as if perhaps too much time had passed.
The Stunning Return to EVEN MORE PAIN!
And so, not wanting to pay $2.99 on Amazon Prime again (the first two viewings were under the same week’s purchase), I thankfully managed to find a full copy that someone in Greece had thrown up on YouTube and watched the film called Shark Exorcist a third time.
I can tell you passionately that I will watch nearly anything at least once, and I can impart to you the reasons why I returned to this film (as I did above) for both a second and a third time, but I say now that I really need to rethink my entire film-watching philosophy. I saw Shark Exorcist again and sat in numbed silence for several minutes after finishing it. This time it came off to me like a purposefully disrespectful and irresponsible attack on the art of film itself. I can find something redeemable in even the very worst of films, but there is nothing here. I am not sure that I have encountered such stultifying awfulness as that which I did in watching Shark Exorcist. Where I thought after the second showing that it was, in separate terms, the worst exorcism, shark, and killer nun movie of all time, this time I had to truly ponder if perhaps I had actually found filmdom’s nadir, the ultimate low-point of creative expression.
I know it’s not film at its lowest point, but it sure seems like it. I know there is still far worse out there. But let me have this moment. Returning to Shark Exorcist again was like revisiting an old school bully thirty years later and begging, “Please kick me in the ‘nads again… and again… and once more for ol’ Central High!” There was nothing happy about the revisit, there was nothing pleasurable to be gained. There is such a thing as “so bad, it’s good” and now I swear there is also such a thing as “so bad, it must be destroyed for the good of mankind” or “so bad, its very making must have caused the Elder Gods to have been summoned and now we are on the brink of Apocalypse!” (Well, we are anyway thanks to Trump, but this film beat him to it by at least a month.)
I attempted once more to write about Shark Exorcist and could find no way to proceed. There was no foothold from which to ascend. I was torn between warning the world against the film and just shutting up about it and shelving everything. And I almost did. I finally had to admit: Shark Exorcist broke my brain. But I knew that the only way for me to stop Shark Exorcist was to become a Shark Exorcist exorcist myself.
Unlike my other sites, the Shark Film Office lie fallow for several months after my injury until I revived it in time for Shark Week 2017. Even so, it has been hard to get back into a groove, because Shark Exorcist has been lurking there the whole time, just begging me to even try to sit down and write about it. Now, another Countdown to Halloween is here, over a year since I first encountered Shark Exorcist, and I knew there was only one way to get this horrid thing behind me. I posted in my Countdown to Halloween previews on my sites that I would be writing about at least two shark films for the season, Shark Exorcist and Sharkenstein, figuring that would make me commit at least halfway to doing the deed.
And now, the moment is at hand. I am done with the film. The beast has been fought and defeated. The fight was not with the shark itself, but with the film, poorly conceived and even more poorly rendered, and strewn with unnecessarily fluorescent puke. Let it lie in a pool of its bilious sick and go unwatched by all but the most wretched of souls throughout all eternity.
At least until Shark Exorcist II: The Heretic is filmed. Then I will have to start all over again...