Countdown to Halloween: Shark Exorcist (2015)

Shark Exorcist (2015) Dir.: Donald Farmer TC4P Rating: 1/9 Species: I suppose it is meant to be a great white shark, but the CGI rendering is not all that great. Plus, the shark attacks in the film are in a lake, so the shark is probably supposed to be a bull, though it is never mentioned. And – not for the first time in one of these films – the type of shark really doesn’t matter… Believe it or not... the best part of the film... Just over one year ago, I went onto Amazon Prime and watched a film called Shark Exorcist . I knew nothing of the filmmakers or the actors involved in Shark Exorcist , nor did I know anything beyond the title Shark Exorcist . It sounded like it could be a fun, stupid time. Was it about a shark that needed to be exorcised of demons? Was it about someone who was possessed by a shark and needed to be exorcised? Or was it about a shark who has been ordained as a priest who swims the world to perform exorcism rites on other fish who have been possess...