Wait! There's More... SharkFest 2017 Review

Yes, there was more shark stuff going on during Shark Week . Not willing to fully step on their neighbors’ toes nor put that much money into competing against them, Nat Geo Wild loves to promote themselves as having the “#2 week for sharks” in television. SharkFest has been matching up against Shark Week for a few years now, and it is decidedly a lesser beast in terms of number of shows. If you don’t count previews and recaps (and I don’t) Shark Week tossed out 16 new hours of shark documentaries for 2017. SharkFest has just four. But the quality, thanks to being part of National Geographic, is of equal measure to anything on Discovery (some might even argue more quality, but I see them being pretty equal, considering that some of the same people work on shows for both networks). Where Nat Geo Wild has Discovery beat is in being self-effacing. Discovery likes to use humor to talk about their shows , especially on Shark After Dark or in their promos using Seal the s...