Shark Week 2017: Day 1 (and More) Recap

Since there is a metric butt ton of stuff to cover right now in regards to Shark Week and SharkFest , I am going to stifle all of my normal preaching right here at the top about saving sharks and not using fear to promote these endeavors, blah blah blah... You know, the junk that I usually rant about to kick off these things. Instead, with so many episodes behind us now that Shark Week has actually concluded – and with me, despite what I stated was my intent over a week ago, getting started completely late in the game due to unforeseen personal circumstances – let's just dive right into the first night of Shark Week and let any further ranting flow naturally out of my thoughts for each special. (Not that most of the specials have set me off yet except the first one, but I always reserve the right to go nuts should an opportunity arise...) #0 – Sharktacular 2017 (premiered on July 7, 2017) Hosted by cult horror director Eli Roth, who has also held court over the nightly S...