Rabbitson Crusoe (1956)

[For the month of September 2016, I am writing a series of shared posts in conjunction with my animation website, Cinema 4: Cel Bloc , about cartoons that feature sharks in them. You can read the reviews on either site, but please do visit the other one if you like the content I have to offer.] Rabbitson Crusoe (1956) Dir.: Friz Freleng TC4P Rating: 7/9 Species: a purple shark named Dopey Dick, who is a little bit dopey and kind of a dick. Believe it or not, I still own my very first edition of Daniel Defoe's classic novel, Robinson Crusoe . Please don't read that incorrectly. I do not own the first edition of Robinson Crusoe . Considering that the novel is just a hair under three hundred years old – having been first published in 1719, and thought by many scholars to be the first true novel in the English language – that would now make me a multi-thousand-aire, at least (and I am definitely not that at the moment). No, the first edition of...