Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens (2016)

Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens (2016) Dir.: Anthony C. Ferrante TC4P Rating: 4/9 Species: great white shark, hammerheads, goblin shark, leopard sharks, many unidentified species, and a surprise species that I refuse to give away until a much later date. While The Shark Film Office was started way back in 2006, I really let it lay fallow for many years while I first concentrated on other sites, and then got sucked into a personal vortex of depression and dark thoughts of suicide (which are far more insidious than light, happy thoughts of suicide). Since I didn't finally get The Shark Film Office going full force until earlier this year, it was purely coincidence that I skipped over a particular phenomenon that is largely responsible for the absurd amount of low-budget, goofball shark films that are thrown at us today: the Sharknado series. Premiering in 2013, and with a sequel released in each of the past three years, the first Sharknado film made directly for the Syfy Channel n...