Shark Lake (2015)

Shark Lake (2015) Dir.: Jerry Dugan Cinema 4 Rating: 3/9 Shark species: Bull shark ( Carcharhinus leucas) Hero species: Dolph Lundgren ( Wearius longindatoothinas ) I suppose that if one were to assign a particular shark species to the actor Dolph Lundgren, a bull shark might be a fairly decent choice. Known for their tenacity and aggressive behavior, the bull shark with its tough guy physique and unstoppable bite force seems to be a perfect parallel to action star Lundgren, now pushing sixty and hanging by his fingertips onto whatever he has left of a Hollywood career. This struggle seems to include appearing in films of the caliber of Shark Lake , where Dolph crosses paths -- in Lake Tahoe, of all places -- with that very same bull shark. That's right... Lake Tahoe. One might at first do an extremely comedic double-take upon hearing that this alpine-style lake on the California-Nevada border is being mentioned in connection with a film about ...